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#MSBuild | Integrating Azure AI and Azure Kubernetes Service to build intelligent apps | BRK225H

2023-06-02 1 min read Speaking

I had the opportunity to speak at #MSBuild 2023. Build is Microsoft’s largest developer conference held every year in May. This year, we were lucky enough to get back to a full in-person experience with plenty of awesome sessions with tons of technical demos. I shared the stage with Jorge Palma from the AKS PM team, and we spoke about how you can to integrate Azure AI and Azure Kubernetes Service to build and run your intelligent apps.

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Web Application Routing on AKS

2022-11-16 5 min read Architecture

Exposing your web applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) has gotten a little bit easier. In this post, I will cover the new Web Application Routing feature for AKS and discuss reasons why you may want to implement it within your cluster.

Exposing your app

You have a lot of options when it comes to exposing your application Pods to the world. If you’re using a managed-Kubernetes service in the cloud, you could deploy a Service and set the type to LoadBalancer and your cloud provider will provision one with a public IP. The Service sits in front of your Pods and if all you need is a public IP, you’re good to go.

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