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Installing .NET on Ubuntu

2023-09-09 1 min read Code snippets
Installing .NET on Ubuntu is supposed to be easy. Sometimes it’s not. You should be able to follow the instructions on the Microsoft docs and install from a package manager but I’ve had issues with that. It’s been a frustrating experience; the package installs but then I can’t run dotnet --version and I can’t figure out why. Thankfully there is an option to manually install .NET, this is what I’ve had the most success with. Continue reading

Ubuntu Dev Tools

2022-11-11 3 min read Code snippets
Is this the year of the Linux desktop? I’m not sure but I have been making more of an effort to “daily drive” a Linux desktop lately. I’m currently working off of an Ubuntu 22.10 machine and here is my script for installing common tools that I work with daily. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade # add git repository sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa # install some basic tools sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y \ python3 \ python3-pip \ bpytop \ tree \ guvcview \ vim \ curl \ git \ gnupg2 \ jq \ sudo \ zsh \ build-essential \ cmake \ libssl-dev \ openssl \ unzip \ pkg-config # install brew tools /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw. Continue reading

Securely connect to your Azure Linux Virtual Machine with Tailscale SSH

2022-08-12 12 min read Tutorial
Being on the Cloud Advocate team at Microsoft, we’re always looking to empower every developer to achieve more on Azure. One way of doing this is by bringing you hands-on content to deliver end-to-end scenarios using cloud-native and open source technologies. My colleague on the Cloud Native team, Aaron Wislang has been cooking up a bunch of labs in our Azure Open Source Labs repo and one area we’ve been collaborating on is within the Azure Linux VM space. Continue reading