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Adding a GitHub Codespace button to your README

2024-03-21 2 min read Code Snippets

GitHub Codespaces is a great way to make it easier for people to contribute to your project. With a few clicks, folks can spin up a Codespace environment with all necessary tooling installed and be productive right away. But it does take a few clicks and this quick post is to show how you can save developers a click or two because every click matters 😆

With one line of markdown in your README, you can add a button that looks like this…

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Effortlessly Deploy to Azure Kubernetes with Open Source Tools Draft and Acorn

2023-01-03 7 min read Tutorial

UPDATE On March 15, 2024 Acorn Labs announced that they will be shifting focus to developing an LLM app platform based on GPT-Script technology and has archived the Acorn Runtime project.

In this post, I’ll walk you through deploying a web application to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) without having to write any Docker or Kubernetes manifest files.

Using open-source command-line tools Draft and Acorn, we’ll containerize and deploy to AKS in just a few steps! Let’s go 🚀

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Securely connect to your Azure Linux Virtual Machine with Tailscale SSH

2022-08-12 12 min read Tutorial

Being on the Cloud Advocate team at Microsoft, we’re always looking to empower every developer to achieve more on Azure. One way of doing this is by bringing you hands-on content to deliver end-to-end scenarios using cloud-native and open source technologies.

My colleague on the Cloud Native team, Aaron Wislang has been cooking up a bunch of labs in our Azure Open Source Labs repo and one area we’ve been collaborating on is within the Azure Linux VM space.

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