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Installing .NET on Ubuntu

2023-09-09 1 min read Code Snippets

Installing .NET on Ubuntu is supposed to be easy. Sometimes it’s not. You should be able to follow the instructions on the Microsoft docs and install from a package manager but I’ve had issues with that. It’s been a frustrating experience; the package installs but then I can’t run dotnet --version and I can’t figure out why.

Thankfully there is an option to manually install .NET, this is what I’ve had the most success with.

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#MSBuild | Integrating Azure AI and Azure Kubernetes Service to build intelligent apps | BRK225H

2023-06-02 1 min read Speaking

I had the opportunity to speak at #MSBuild 2023. Build is Microsoft’s largest developer conference held every year in May. This year, we were lucky enough to get back to a full in-person experience with plenty of awesome sessions with tons of technical demos. I shared the stage with Jorge Palma from the AKS PM team, and we spoke about how you can to integrate Azure AI and Azure Kubernetes Service to build and run your intelligent apps.

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Exploring .NET WebAssembly with WASI

2022-08-09 12 min read Tutorial


WebAssembly (Wasm) is something that the Cloud Native Advocacy team has been exploring. It has been around for a few years and has mostly been used within browser-based applications. There are many blog posts on what makes WebAssembly an ideal target for running applications (e.g., smaller footprint with .wasm files compared to containers, code isolation, and sandboxing). My colleague Steven Murawski wrote a blog series on getting started with hosting Wasm apps on an emerging PaaS platform called Hippo which is developed by folks at Fermyon. In Part 1 of the series, he introduces topics and define some of the acronyms like “Wagi” and “WASI”. He also introduced a runtime called Wasmtime which implements the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) standard. This article will walk you through how Steven and I went about getting a .NET console app running as a Wasm app on the Wasmtime runtime in a Dev Container. The .NET console app produced in this article has also been contributed as a csharp template in the yo-wasm repo which is also maintained by Fermyon; so you can quickly test it out for yourself later.

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