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Validating Azure AD B2C Tokens

2021-05-31 3 min read Tutorial

I recently ran into an issue where I needed to help a customer validate an Azure AD B2C JWT access token. We tend to take JWT tokens for granted and sometimes forget that they should be validated by the application. I thought this was going to be pretty straight-forward to solve since Azure AD B2C is effectively Azure AD under the hood. I was wrong.

I initially thought browsing to the OIDC metadata endpoint would reveal the info I needed to validate the signature of the JWT but finding the endpoint was my first challenge.

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Getting Started With Terraform on Azure

2021-04-24 7 min read Tutorial

Check out the official Get Started - Azure tutorial here

Terraform basics

Download and Install

  • Download terraform from

  • Extract the executable and add the folder to your PATH variable

  • Open a shell and type terraform version

  • The basic commands we’ll use are:

    • terraform init
    • terraform plan
    • terraform apply
    • terraform destroy
  • I advise you to use the terraform fmt command often to ensure your scripts well formatted according to HashiCorp’s style conventions

Folder structure

Terrafrom executes on the files within a folder that are named with the .tf extension. Here is what a typical folder structure looks like:

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